Jen Walsh Selected as NurseTRUST Emerging Leader Fellow: A Gateway to Leadership

May 3, 2024

Jennifer Walsh headshot

Clinical Assistant Professor Jen Walsh, D.N.P., C.P.N.P., CNE, was recently chosen as a 2024 NurseTRUST Emerging Leader Fellow, marking a significant milestone in her career trajectory. For Dr. Walsh, this opportunity signifies more than just professional advancement—it represents a platform to cultivate leadership skills crucial for her role as a nurse educator, clinician, and leader. 

"To be chosen as a NurseTRUST Emerging Leader Fellow is a tremendous honor,” said Dr. Walsh. “It's an opportunity to enhance my leadership abilities, collaborate with like-minded peers, and address key challenges facing our healthcare system.” 

The NurseTRUST fellowship, known for its rigorous selection process and commitment to nurturing emerging leaders, offers participants a unique blend of mentorship, collaboration, and real-world application. “I’m excited by the diverse array of opportunities the fellowship provides,” she said. “Including access to mentorship from esteemed nurse leaders nationwide and exposure to initiatives spanning education, practice, policy, and innovation.” 

"I’m excited by the diverse array of opportunities the fellowship provides, including access to mentorship from esteemed nurse leaders nationwide and exposure to initiatives spanning education, practice, policy, and innovation."

Dr. Walsh is eager to explore the transformative journey that lies ahead. "Even at the outset of this fellowship, I can already sense its profound influence on my career. The connections I've made and the projects I'm involved in have invigorated my passion for nursing leadership," she exclaimed. 

Reflecting on the competitive application process, Walsh acknowledged the pivotal role of her mentors and supporters in securing her place among the cohort of fellows. "I am deeply grateful to Drs. Laurie Theeke, Linda Cassar, Ashley Darcy-Mahoney, and Susan Kelly-Weeder, and to many others for their unwavering support throughout this journey," she stated. 

As Walsh embarks on this new chapter, she is filled with anticipation for the opportunities it will bring, both for her personal growth and for the GW School of Nursing. "I am incredibly excited about the potential of this fellowship to shape the trajectory of my career and contribute to the advancement of nursing education," she concluded.